Thursday, July 23

What will i defend . . .

Thursday, July 23
My name is Justin Lim and my index number is 19.
I will defend those who are dear to me. Such as my family, my friends and myself. First of all, my parents are the ones who gave me life and have given me care and concern , so it is only right that i protect them. I will also protect my two younger brothers as they are precious to me and it is my responsibility to protect them. I will also protect my friends as they have help to mean a lot to me and real friends are getting more and more rare. Lastly, i will protect myself.  Without the ability to protect oneself, it is harder to protect others . This is all i have to say. Thank you for viewing.

Respond to Daryln's post
I agree that protecting ones family is of the outmost importance however, what about protecting yourself. I feel that if one is unable to protect oneself then he will face difficulty in protecting others. 


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