Thursday, July 23

What Will You Defend?

Thursday, July 23

I will defend my family, my friends and others who care for me.

My family. They are always there for me to support me and encourage me. To catch me when I fall, to get me back on my feet, to love and care for me. I think family is the most important thing hence I would want to defend them first.

My friends. They would share my troubles and problems and lend me a ear when I need someone to talk to and lend a hand when I need help. I have some really good friends who I confide in and I’m sure I’ll need them in the future.

Others who care for me. Perhaps my relatives or people I might not know who care for me it might be the world it might be just one but I’m still going to defend them.

PS This account belongs to Gerald Lau 2A 17, who is posting on behalf of Brendan as his GMail account has a problem


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