I would protect my precious loved family members, faithful friends and my country, Singapore. My precious family members have showered countless amounts of love on me, and would always be there for me, supporting and helping me in my life. My parents has raised me from birth, feeding me with the best food, giving me a comfort and safe zone, and protecting me from dangers. They are willing to spend their hard earned money on me, nuturing me. They teach me values and morals of life, and would forgive me when I am in wrong. They bring me joy, warmth and a comfortable life i enjoy. My faithful friends stand by me, keep me company and gives me happiness. We play together, spend time with one another, and go through many difficulties and achievements together. We complete tough tasks together, share the joy, and go through interesting adventures in life together. My country, Singapore, consists of my beloved family, friends and fellow citizens. My country helped me achieve many things in life, provided me with good education and living conditions. They protect me from threats, and allow me to have a mind of peace, without any worries. I do not have to worry about having not enough food, not being able to attend school or staying on the streets, as Singapore will aid me. I will protect them !
Reply To Pang Ren Zhu Post
What about your precious faithful and nice friends, who stay by your side and go through difficulties with you. What about the times you spent with them, and enjoyed adventures.
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