Friday, July 31

What will i defend?

Friday, July 31
I am Koh Yi Pin, index number 15 from class 2a.

I will defend my country because if i do not have a proper country, i would not be able to have home or friends and family to defend.

I will defend my family, my home. My family members are always the one who are with me since the day i was born. I can talk to my family members if i have any problems.

I will defend my true friends. Friends would share my troubles and problems with me so that i would not be alone facing the problems that i have.

I agree with Marvin, as family is the thing that everyone would protect and like he said, without them, we would not be able to do what i am now lead such a life !


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jerry Ho here. I did not get invited, so i tagged yipin post.

I would defend my country as Singapore gave us our basic needs. We, as citizens should not take anything for granted.
Not forgetting my family, friends and relatives, as they had supported me since i was young, and share with few of them my problems. However, we do not know some are backstabbers.

I agree with Lim Yueh Hwa cause friends should not be taken for granted, we should treasure true friends.

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