Wednesday, June 10

Blog Entry 2: Comments on Sean’s Blog Entry

Wednesday, June 10
I think that the reason the police are increasing the number of CCTV cameras is to ensure no one will do any unlawful activities in the country while the owners of their house install the cameras to prevent any burglary of their houses. It might seem to be invading the privacy of other people and they will feel uncomfortable. However, they do not have anything to be afraid of if you did not do any wrong things. Moreover, the police are just ensuring our safety and the house owners have valid reasons to install cameras and it is not someone who takes videos whenever they want, wherever they are without any valid reason. I do not agree that anyone from the Internet can just hack into the CCTV system and turn the angle of the CCTV and a crime can happen in the other direction, which the CCTV had been moved from. Thus, I think that the matter regarding the police and the house owners installing CCTV does not have any implications to our privacy.


Mrs Champion said...

Well, I really wouldn't want my neighbours CCTV trained at my house !!

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